Back to School 2023–24

Dear Parents & Guardians of the Freshman Class,

I hope you are having an enjoyable summer.

The 2023-24 school year will begin for the freshman class on Thursday, September 7, 2023 with a dedicated orientation program. During this orientation program, students will receive pertinent and useful information from school administrators, receive technology training, spend time in their homerooms where they will review critical policies and initiatives specific to the upcoming school year and take their yearbook pictures. They will also begin to build relationships with their classmates. The orientation program begins at 8am in the gymnasium and will conclude at 11am.

The orientation schedule is as follows:

8:00 a.m. Welcome to Bergen Catholic High School


  • Prayer: Mr. Josh Powers

  • Welcome by the President: Dr. Brian Mahoney

  • Welcome by the Principal: Mr. Tim McElhinney

  • Assistant Principal for Academics & Discipline: Mr. Peter Coleman

  • Assistant Principal for Instructional Technology: Mr. Albert Spiegel

  • Guidance Department: Introduction of Counselors: Mr. Eric Crawford, Ms. Alexis Kass and Mrs. Whitney Niles

  • Director of Athletics: Mr. Brendan McGovern

  • Welcome provided by the Student Government Association President

9:15 a.m. Important Information Reviewed with Homeroom Teachers


The Following Topics will be Reviewed:

  • Beginning of the school day: when to arrive at school and where to go

  • BCTV Broadcast – why it is essential?

  • The wearing of an ID Badge -why?

  • Passing Time- efficient movement to and from classes

  • How homeroom operates and for what functions

  • Dress Code – what is it and reasons Bergen Catholic utilizes a dress code

  • Expectations of behavior in school and at school events

  • What to do if late to school, absent or need to leave early

  • Lunch: grade level specific, amount of time for lunch, how to pay for lunch, how it is supervised, expectations of behavior while in the cafeteria

  • Lockers

  • Important announcements – provided at the end of sixth period each school day

  • Where to go if computer is not functioning properly…

  • Emergency Drill Procedures

  • Grading milestones – Progress Reports, Report Cards and Final Exams. Grading values of trimesters and final exams

  • Review of Bell Schedules

Yearbook pictures will occur after students move to their homerooms.

The dress code for the day is dress shirt, tie, pants, belt and shoes.

10:15 a.m. Technology Training: Students must bring their computer devices to the Orientation Program

  • Presentation by Mr. Albert Spiegel

11 a.m. Dismissal

Please note that there will be no public school district bus transportation provided on Thursday, September 7, 2023. Students who will rely on public school district bus transportation during the school year must be transported to and from school in another manner on Thursday, September 7, 2023. However, please note that all Bergen Catholic private bus routes will run on Thursday, September 7, 2023. These routes include:

  • The Garden State Parkway Route

  • The Ridgewood Train Station/Glen Rock Municipal Building Route

  • The Passaic County Route, which encompasses the following towns: Wayne, Hawthorne and North Haledon

  • The Bergen County Route, which encompasses the following towns – Cliffside Park, Englewood, Englewood Cliffs, Fort Lee, Leonia, Palisades Park, and Ridgefield

Please be aware that in terms of students participating in one of the Bergen Catholic private bus routes, parents must have already contacted Mr. Dominic Santoli, Transportation Director. If you have any questions regarding transportation, please contact Mr. Santoli at

On Friday, September 8, 2023, Bergen Catholic students will engage in an abbreviated class schedule in which all seven classes in a student’s schedule will meet. The purpose of this abbreviated day is to allow teachers to review with their students – syllabi, class expectations, grading policies and other important aspects of their courses. On this day, class periods will be 21 minutes in length. The bell schedule for Friday, September 8, 2023 is noted below. Students must bring their computer devices to school. All bus routes – public school district and Bergen Catholic private routes – will operate on this day. The dress code for this abbreviated day of school is a BC polo shirt, pants, belt, socks and shoes. Please note that lunch will not be served.

1st Bell – Move to Class


2nd Bell – Prayer, Pledge, Announcements


1st Period


2nd Period




3rd Period


4th Period


5th Period


6th Period


7th Period (Day 2 Period 6 Class)


Buses Depart


The first full-day of school (7:45am-2pm) will occur on Monday, September 11, 2023, with a Day 1 Schedule in place. All bus routes – public school district and Bergen Catholic private routes – will operate on this day and the dress code is a BC polo shirt, pants, belt and shoes. Please know that a student is always permitted to wear a dress shirt and tie. The bell schedule for Monday, September 11, 2023 is noted below:

1st Bell – Move to Class


2nd Bell – Prayer, Pledge, Announcements

7:55 – 8:03

1st Period

8:03 – 8:53

2nd Period

8:56 – 9:46


9:51 – 10:01

3rd Period

10:04 – 10:54

4th Period A – Freshmen

10:57 – 11:27

4th Period B – Sophomores

11:30 – 12:00

5th Period A – Juniors

12:03 – 12:33

5th Period B – Seniors

12:36 – 1:06

6th Period

1:09 – 2:00

Buses Depart


As a reminder, all summer assignments must be submitted by Wednesday, September 6, 2023.

Summer assignments can be found by clicking on the following link: or by accessing the Bergen Catholic High School website ( then clicking on the “Academics” tab at the top of the page and lastly clicking on the “Summer Assignments” tab. Summer assignments are to be submitted on Blackboard. Classes will appear on Blackboard based on the assignments. You will find these classes under “My Classes.” Once you open the appropriate class, click “Content” to view the “Drop Down” for your assignment.

Please note that on Friday, September 1, 2023 student schedules; inclusive of teacher and classroom assignments will be made available on PowerSchool.

I look forward to greeting the members of the freshman class on Thursday, September 7, 2023.

I hope you enjoy the remainder of your summer.


Timothy J. McElhinney