Rev. Robert B. Stagg ’67 is the pastor of the Church of the Presentation in Upper Saddle River, one of the state’s largest parishes Presentation has long been a center of ecclesial innovation. The parish owns and operates a fulltime clinic in Haiti, developed a model for religious education which was honored last year by the National Catechetical Leadership Conference as the parish of the year and developed a retreat program, Cornerstone, which is now in several states. Bob has always been active in priestly affairs, serving as an adjunct professor at Seton Hall’s Seminary, training new pastors and active as a national retreat director. Cardinal Tobin recently appointed him chaplain to Legatus. He sits on the Board of Covenant House and Merrill Lynch’s Global Non-Profit Board. Bob is a Class Chair for the Class of 1967 and was a member of the Class of 1967 50-Year Reunion Committee and enjoys giving back to Bergen Catholic in any way possible.
- 201.261.1844